What Every Writer Must Have ... 

A Massive Collection of Everything Writers Need to Hone Their Craft

What Is the Writer's Treasure Chest?


Joseph Michael is a writing coach with 28,000 actively enrolled students. He has helped aspiring authors and full-time writers create their best work.

He has talked with thousands of writers to find out exactly what shortcuts they wanted and needed most and spent the last 5 years and hundreds of hours compiling the definitive collection of 'treasure' for writers.

He has researched, collected, captured, customized, and organized more than 1,000 resources for writers into an easily navigable tool chest.

We're proud affiliates for the Writer's Treasure Chest, meaning if you click a link on this page and make a purchase, we earn a commission at no extra cost to you. We appreciate your support!

We are active user of the Writer's Treasure Chest and recommend it because we believe it is a must-have tool for writers, and agree with the reviewer (Sarah) who said:


"The amount of valuable, easily understood, helpful information included in the Writer's Treasure Chest is amazing."


Check it Out!

Is This For You?

You'll know this is for you if ...

  • You’ve sat down, and stared at an empty page, and simply can’t get started with your writing.

  • You’re able to get started, but invariably grind to a halt and can’t get the flow back.

  • ​You find yourself stuck at a particular place in your piece, unable to move through it or work around it.

  • ​You find your flow but suffer from the rare occurrence of that flow turning into subpar work or…

  • ​…you just can’t bring yourself to sit down to write at all.


That Sounds Like Me. Tell Me More!

What Does the Writer's Treasure Chest Include?

The problem is there are so many tools, resources, and training available for writers. BUT, if you're focused on writing then you don't have the time to track them all down, do the research and know what is good and what is a waste of time. Right? 

Luckily, Joseph has done all that for you! The Writer's Treasure Chest includes more than 1,000 resources, clearly organized:

  • Checklists and Cheatsheets -  17 step-by-step cheatsheets & checklists to follow in order to stay on track.
  • Writing Tips - 23 different cheatsheets & Infographics to help improve your writing. 
  • Writing & Grammar - 62 pieces of treasure to help you master the tools of the trade...words!. 
  • Writing Prompts - Over 600 themed writing prompts and multiple generators giving you an endless supply of inspiration. 
  • Developing Characters - 11 pieces of treasure tips to help you bring your characters to life in surprising ways.
  • Editing - Everything you need to know about how to organize and edit your writing.
  • Publishing - In this section you'll find all the best checklists, cheatsheets, and resources to help you with all things publishing.
  • Promoting - 32 unique articles & resources covering everything from facebook strategies to getting reviews. 
  • Tips, Tricks, & Treasure - 34 pieces of treasure to help you improve everything from time management to writer's block & everything in between.
  • How To Get Ideas - 13 articles about finding ideas and 99 ways to stay creative make this section a must for all writers wanting to keep the words flowing. 
  • Generators28 Generators to make sure you never struggle with coming up with a name for your stories, books, or characters.
  • DictionariesA plethora of different dictionaries at your fingertips (even including slang dictionaries which may be the most useful these days).
  • ResourcesAll the best tools, websites, services, books, etc for writers. 
  • Printable Checklists Printer friendly versions of all the checklists so you can keep them at your desk & physically check off those boxes!

This collection is beneficial to all types of writers. The resources included tackle the big and small barriers that keep you from writing your best fiction. 

Free Bonus Material 

In addition to the 1,000+ resources, the Writer's Treasure Chest includes three great bonuses:

  1. Launch a Bestseller Planner - With the right planning and actions, you can set your book up for success and create a bestselling book!
  2. Social Media for Writers - The ultimate "how-to" showing you the tips & tricks to use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest for writers.  
  3. Virtual Book Tour Planner - Use the power of the internet to create buzz and excitement about your books.

These bonus materials retail for nearly $500 but are included for free as part of the Writer's Treasure Chest. 

I'm Ready! Sign Me Up!


 Here are some excerpts of testimonials from satisfied users of Writer's Treasure Chest:

  • "Outstanding! Rich in resources. Everything in one place, easily accessible & simple to use. The Writer’s Treasure Chest is just that ..... A Treasure to any writer!" - Garry
  • "Just logging-in starts the creative juices AND confidence flowing. Highly recommended!" - Russ
  • "The Writer's Treasure Chest is truly a must-have tool for writers. This has improved my writing tremendously and has reignited my creativity and passion for writing." - Lauryn
  • "I love the easy to find what I need navigation." - Brannan
  • "I was blown away. There's just SO MUCH, and it's all useful. Joseph absolutely over-delivers, providing a wealth of valuable content along with encouragement and guidance to put it into practice. Well worth the investment." - Tanya
  • "It’s helped me write more often and has also revolutionized how I edit what I’ve written." - Natalie
  • "With all these resources at your fingertips, it's easier to stay focused on doing the work." - Sheri
  • "Best purchase I’ve made! This treasure chest bundle has helped me write my first book! " - Jenn
  • "I would never had the time to search for all that is included. The timesaving is extraordinary." - Marshall
  • "Brilliant, no wonder I was so unproductive before! I've achieved more since working my way through the Chest than in the previous 30 years." - Anthea
  • "This has it all. From generating an idea to publishing the book, you can find the information here. It's a great resource." - Missy
  • "This is more like a cargo ship 🚢 of resources rather than a chest! 😉 Lots of great content that helps you find the treasure and gold nuggets of your story. It's like having a writing coach in a box. Highly Recommended!" - Mark
  • "The Writer’s Treasure Chest is the gift that keeps on giving. Every time I open it up, I find something useful for my work. It’s a tremendous aid to the writer." - Chris
  • "Everything I needed all in one place. Instead of searching for different templates and guides, I have them all together now!" - Stacey
  • "The Writer's Treasure Chest is a large vault of writing resources. It's nicely presented and sorted to enable users to find what they are looking for.... If you are interested in writing then this is one resource that I suggest you should add to your toolbox.
  • "Having so much information available in one place makes life so much easier." - Bill
  • "I love the attention to detail in the materials. It really seems like Joseph has had the same issues I have! I am a terrible procrastinator but the checklists, prompts and tips and tricks help give me a nudge when I need it!" - Warren
  • "I am so thankful. Incredible amount of information, resources, and guides. Nothing better! Something you don't want to pass up! You will be glad you made this investment. " - Shay
  • "The amount of valuable, easily understood, helpful information included in the Writer's Treasure Chest is amazing. I sometimes forget about this resource until I'm stuck on something and wondering how to move forward. Then I remember this gold mine and almost every time, Joe has included what I needed and then some. Thank you so much for making this available!" - Sarah
  • "If you are a writer then what are you waiting for? Buy it now and don't look back." - Dan


Want to see more testimonials,

read more about the 1,000+ resources included,

watch a video where Joseph gives you the inside tour,

and learn more about how the Writer's Treasure Chest will help you in your writing journey? 


Yes, I Want to Know More!